When you want an inexpensive way to dramatically change a room; consider changing your paint color. Doing something as simple as changing a paint color not only will freshen up the room, but create a totally new mood in the room. When you decide to paint your walls a different color, you should also consider painting your trim and baseboards. The furniture and the window treatments did not change; only the wall color and the trim color changed. I did add an oversized mirror over the fireplace and a few new prints that I found at High Point Market.

Years ago almost everyone painted their trim a white color. Now trends have changed and trim is being painted much warmer colors. We recommend to clients with hardwood floors that they paint their baseboard a dark color. Most people paint their baseboard the same color as the other trim in the room. I am not talking just two shades darker than the trim, I mean really dark; I decided on "Sarsaparilla" from Porter Paints. When you paint your baseboard a dark color it helps ground the floor. Take a look and see the difference, I think you'll agree.
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